Time Table of Half Year Exam 2017-18 Welcome To St. Jude’s Co-Ed School
St. Jude’s Co-Ed School, Chhipavad, Khirkiya
Code Of Conduct
St. Jude's students are expected to emerge as men and women of integrated personality. Students come to school not only to acquire knowledge but also to form ones character. It is absolutely necessary for students to have a clear vision of oneself and build his / her character on the basis of strong principles and correct values. In order to achieve this aim, the following code of conduct are prescribed and proscribed.

Personal Code

  1. Believe in God who is loving and forgiving. Remember that God is always with you to help you when you ask him.
  2. Pray to God for a bright future, the welfare of your parents, relatives and friends.
  3. Do not harbour revenge and grudge. Be ready to forgive others.
  4. Develop love and genuine interest in your work, study and play.
  5. Be enthusiastic, active, alert, agile and cheerful. Don't forget to exercise your body enough and keep yourself healthy.
  6. Develop individuality: Promote Creativity, be spontaneous in your work and cultivate courage and confidence.
  7. Keep yourself, your dress and surrounding neat and clean.
  8. Don't postpone your work-especially your studies: be punctual.
  9. Think always of beautiful, truthful and good things: because you will be formed as you think.
  10. Be honest, with yourself and with others.

Community Code

  1. Be loyal and proud of the members of your family and love them.
  2. Use all the opportunities offered to you in school to discover your talents and improve on them; take a special interest in the activity periods.
  3. Assume a sense of responsibility for any work that is given to you.
  4. Appreciate the value of team-work, love, respect, service, loyalty, dialogue, sharing and brotherhood.
  5. Be positive and optimistic in your thinking and working; see the better side of realities, people and events.
  6. Be proud of your country. Keep your eyes open to the development and progress of your country and be aware of its needs.
  7. Be open to the international arena of thought and the human aspect of the whole world. The whole world is shrinking into a global village.
  8. Take interest in establishing human rights, international understanding, co-operation and peace.
  9. Practise patience, tolerance and acceptance of diverse races, culture, class creed and ideologies.
  10. Have a genuine interest to know the ideologies, philosophies.