Time Table of Half Year Exam 2017-18 Welcome To St. Jude’s Co-Ed School
St. Jude’s Co-Ed School, Chhipavad, Khirkiya
Principal Message

Dear Parents, Students and Staff members

Greetings of Joy, peace, prosperity, good health and well being!

I congratulate you and all your children who performed excellently well in our School Programme presented with the theme ‘Towards Godliness’.  The function was extremely appreciated and applauded by one and all. It was a world class presentation by our students. We know that our children are a bundle of potentialities and skills and they are on the way to succeed in life in whichever field they will be choosing. There is a spark of divinity in each and every one of us. We are called to enliven and enhance this spark to experience enormous strength to progress in our lives. The Almighty God whom we address by different names and practice our pious activities in varied ways wants to raise our values higher and come closer to Godliness. We are called to lead virtuous lives and rise above the human differences to seek the growth of humanity at large. Let us instil in our children the habit of keeping oneself away from all that is detrimental to their growth and choose the path of cleanliness of body, mind and soul to have the experience of Godliness and thus gain strength for their personal growth. The following theme song of our School function enlightens us to embark on a bon  voyage to Godliness glory:

The Clarion call to  Godliness, Cleanliness is the way to Godliness

Holiness precedes Godliness, We all are called to Godliness

Faith hope and love are sure ways to peace,

Forgiveness and tolerance will help us live with ease

Heart mind and soul need so to be clean

That the Supreme may find in our lives its glean

The mother earth is our home so pure, The environment she offers is so clear

Let’s take time to keep her shine so secure, Remembering cleanliness is next to Godliness

Our students have done very well in their academics and obtained laurels for the School in the district level. The following students deserve our whole hearted appreciation and adulations. Chhavi Pandey obtained FIRST position in Harda District  in X Board Exam.  Kushagra Jain and Saloni Jain obtained 2nd and 3rd position in Harda district

Dear children,  you  must  realize the importance of refocusing on your regular studies and become more organized and systematic in your quest for learning, with a telescopic view  of your future. Be regular, punctual, prompt and updated with the lessons you learn every day. Be aware of the power of your resilience  to adapt yourselves  to difficulties and meet  the demands of success. Resilience is the key to success because it changes your outlook,  attitude and your response to hurdles and hardships. Resolve and promise to yourself every day that you will tread the path of excellence, no matter what happens. Motivate  yourself to have a strong will power to work hard. Keep going, don't stop; be persistent and determined to reach your goal; be responsible for yourself and for  your future; be flexible and adaptable as per the needs of time; be optimistic, positive and pragmatic and  develop lateral thinking. If you do so the world is yours and you can reach the pinnacle of excellence.

May God bless the Management,  Staff, Students and Parents  of our School, with good health and strength of body, mind and soul to achieve excellence in all fields in order that we contribute our might for the development and progress of our beloved Mother Land. Jai Hind ... Jai Bharat....Victory to our Motherland. May the Providence of God, Watch over us!....... St.Jude, Pray for us!

Dr. Fr. S. Solomon
